School Budget Vote & Trustee Election

A reminder that Tuesday, May 21st the polls are open for voting from 6am-9pm for School budget vote and Trustee elections.

What is the Budget?
• The budget is the district’s plan for the upcoming year regarding expenditures.  The budget supports 1,200+ students and staff through academics, athletics, facilities, etc.

Do I Need to Vote on the Budget?
• Yes! Each VOTE counts and is ESSENTIAL.  Typically, fewer than 12% of voters turn out to vote on the budget. 

Is the Budget Fiscally Responsible?
• Yes!  It falls below the maximum allowable levy established by NYS.

What Does the Proposed Budget Pay For?
• Staffing, services, security, facilities, programs and more.
• Find out more HERE

Who Can and Should Vote?
• Registered district voters, including renters, aged 18+ are eligible to vote.
• Please remind friends, neighbors and other residents especially with preschool age children to vote.

Does the PTA Support the Proposed Budget?
• Yes!  The Tuckahoe PTA encourages all registered district voters to vote on Tue 5/21!