Forum on Tuckahoe Stadium Lighting

From Residents Against Tuckahoe Stadium Lighting

Dear neighbors, Two years ago we stood up against stadium lighting on the Concordia field adjacent to Winslow Circle. Although nothing is propose now, nothing  was put in the village code to prevent this from happening again.. Now, especially with the sale of the Concordia College property to Iona College it is very important to clarify this at this time. This Monday, June 7th at 7 PM this matter should be on the agenda for the Tuckahoe Village Board meeting. Below is an email from our neighbors on Winslow Circle who spearheaded this. 
Please make every effort to attend 
Thank you

Meeting: Tuckahoe Village Board of Trustees Meeting – Monday, June 7, 2021 at 7:00pm  
Attend:     Through Zoom (details on website prior to meeting) or Tuckahoe Village Hall 65 Main Street Tuckahoe, NY 

  • Send emails to Mayor Omayra Andino, Deputy Mayor Renee Howell, Trustee Danny Lang, Trustee Cara Kronen and Trustee Darryl Taylor though website. Click on Board of Trustees then click on Board Members and click the name to send a message in support of the prohibition of stadium lighting. 

Although there is no current stadium lighting proposal being presented before any committee, we have requested the Mayor and Trustees to place this on the agenda on June 7th. Stadium lighting and its associated negative impacts do not fit within the character of our village and our quiet residential neighborhoods so your support is necessary to ensure the zoning code clearly prohibits this going forward. 

  • Major Concern60 to 80 foot light towers in our quiet residential village neighborhood. These large imposing structures do not fit within the character of our village neighborhood, taller than most local apartment buildings, and towering over the houses and community. They are also too large for the small lot size on the former Concordia soccer field or elsewhere in our village  
  • Light pollution, traffic congestion and noise from sound systems for practices and games at night throughout the year.

If you are concerned about these lights, please join us and email the Mayor and Trustees as well as attend the meeting in person or through Zoom on June 7, 2021 at 7pm. 
Your views are necessary to make decisions that will impact our neighborhoods and village and our quality of life. This is an effort to explicitly ensure no organization or institution can install these lights in the future. This was proposed 2 years ago on a residentially zoned property so we want to make sure it does not happen again.
OTHER CONCERNS- Former Concordia site is too small and not well not well positioned for significant sporting events and traffic.